The Al Bundy way of drinking beer
Al Bundy is notoriously known for coming home from work and drinking a nice cold beer.
You could almost feel the man’s need to chill, sit on the couch and drink that beer. He was tired, life was complicated, beer was a tasty confort.
As a child, watching this show, I never really realized how relaxing it would be to drink a beer after hard work. But now I know.
Me and my friends got the habit to come home from work and just relax and drink a beer. And we just talked about how much we resemble with Al Bundy. But there’s a catch. We drink non-alcoholic beer!
So we still relax on the couch, open a beer, put up the legs and just contemplate life… with a non-alcoholic beer!
A while ago I wrote an article about my favorite non-alcoholic beer. You might want to check it out.
Also, for those who prefer wine, always remember: