Sigmund Freud’s favorite music album
I was re-listening the other day a very good music album and I suddenly realized that the greatest psychoanalyst of all time, Sigmund Freud, would have loved it.
- The album starts with a song that seems to be a twisted, gloomy children story.
- Then it follows a song about a man who shouts instructions and orders.
- Then there is a song about the sun / son – you never really know which one, but Freud would say it is about a lost son. Also, this song was released with a video in which a fairy tale princess beats the poor dwarfs.
- This is followed by a song in which a very demanding person just says the “He/she wants“
- Well, and then there is this song called… you know already: “Mother”.
Freud would say that the whole album is about a very strict and demanding loony-tunes mother, who also reminds me of Madame Pinder Schloss from Addams Family.
So, if Freud would have had a favourite album, it would have been Mutter by Rammstein 🙂