Emma Chamberlain

Is Emma Chamberlain suffering from an eating disorder?

There is a short answer to this question and a longer one.

Short answer: No, Emma is not suffering from an eating disorder.

Emma is a healthy, smart, fit young lady who knows what she’s doing and what people like to see.

Long answer:

The beginning of Emma Chamberlain Youtube Era

Source: https://www.instagram.com/emmachamberlain/

Emma started her Youtube channel 4 years ago, in 2017.

She was a fit young girl – this we could all see from the very first video.

We also know that she did competitive cheerleading and that she went to the gym on a daily basis.

Emma also uploaded a video in which she shows us what she eats in a day and we can clearly see that she prefers oats, veggies, and absolutely no sugar.

There is on her Instagram page an even older photo, from 2016. Here you can clearly see a fit, healthy looking young girl.

Source: https://www.instagram.com/emmachamberlain/

Bottom line: right from the start, Emma was concerned with her appearance. If you’re going to concern about her eating habits, then why start it now? Why not start from 2017, when a 16 y.o. girl showed us how little and low-calorie foods she eats? Well, probably because she looked really fit and healthy, so no one payed attention on her eating habits. What change through the years?

Emma Chamberlain in 2021

Source: https://www.instagram.com/emmachamberlain/

Through the years Emma visibly lost some weight. Maybe 5 kg (11 pounds)? It’s not that much, but since she was already pretty skinny, 5 kg is something.

Take for instance her Met Gala look. She does look skinnier than in her past. She is so skinny that I want to hug her and give her a steak (I know she doesn’t eat meat, but I would still try to convince her to eat a nice big sirloin steak).

Her dark circles under her eyes are also an indicator of some liver (maybe?) problems. They are also an indicator of anemia.

It’s a known fact that she once talked about body dismorphia and that looking so many hours at herself while editing the video gave her false impressions about her body image.

If you look at her IG photos, you’ll see that Emma likes to enhance her skinny appearance.

It is obviously that Emma wants to be skinny, that she knows that people tend to prefer skinny celebrities, or at least she could think that her personality isn’t compatible with a bigger body.

Despite all this, I think that Emma is aware of all of these problems and that she chooses to be skinny as part of her job. As long as she knows what she’s doing, I don’t think it is a psychological problem.

How does Emma Chamberlain stay so fit and skinny?

1. She eats low calorie meals

Watching Emma’s Youtube videos I never saw her eat sugar. I also never saw her eat a big quantity of food. I also never saw her eat bread, rice, spaghetti, pizza or potatoes. She also never eats fat foods, like butter or cheese. She also never fries in oil her stuff. She also eats fruits in moderate amount, since fruits can actually make you fat because of the fructose.

What does Emma eat? Well, from what I’ve seen, she eats boiled eggs, avocados, salads, hummus, fruits and she takes her protein from protein bars.

2. Emma works out a lot

Even though she doesn’t take her camera to the gym, we know that she works out approximately 5 days per week and that she also frequently goes for a run.

Is Emma Chamberlain healthy?

Emma is probably  healthy, but maybe she is just a little bit anemic.

I also don’t know if all her vitamins and minerals levels are O.K. without her taking any vitamin supplements. For instance, since she doesn’t eat fish, where does she get her Omega 3 from? And if she doesn’t eat any meat, where does she take the Iron and so many other vitamins and minerals from? Maybe she take supplements, but I don’t think a life of supplements is a good idea. Why fake it when you could just eat it naturally?

What could Emma do to be healthier?

  • Be sure that her blood tests are O.K. If not, she should start eating the foods that her organism lacks.
  • Accept that 2-3 extra kilos would make her even more desirable (although she may meet some troll’s negative feedback…).
  • Always work out and be sure that her body is very strong.

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