What happened with Carli Bybel and Nicole Gandino?
If you’re here because you were wondering about the current relation between Carli Bybel and Nicole Gandino, it means that you already know who the two are, thus I will skip the introductions. Sorry if I might be a little bit offtrack, but I need to go round a bit in order to understand what happened between them. Carli’s current videos and friends It’s been a long time since Carli posted a video with Nicole (Moo). She also doesn’t mention her anymore. Instead, Carli features in her videos her family (father, mother, sister, little cousin) and her boyfriend, Anthony Tango. She also did a work-out video with a girl that…
Carli Bybel – One of the first YouTubers I started following
Who is Carli Bybel? Carli Bybel is a YouTuber / beauty guru that now has 6.2 millions followers on YouTube. She has been posting videos since 2011. She started with hair and makeup tutorials. She is 29 y.o. She is pretty open regarding her family and her mother, sister, father and other relatives often appear in her videos. She continues to this day to post makeup and hair tutorials and she also does vlogs. Why is Carli special? There are thousands and thousands YouTubers that hope to achieve popularity. But why did Carli succeed? Was it pure luck or does she really have something special? Well, she is kind of special,…
WHO is Carli Bybel’s friend Moo?
In a past post I wrote that one of my favorite youtubers is Carli Bybel. If you’ve also been watching Bybel’s videos, you would already know about her best friend, Moo. She is very pretty and has a nice, warm smile. This is Moo: Moo appeared in some of Carli’s videos and everyone loved her. Here is a Boyfriend VS Best Friend tag. UPDATE: It seems that this video is unavailable. Maybe Carli deleted it. It was a funny video, I don’t know why Carli decided to delete it. Probably it brought back bad memories… And here is a vlog where they went together in Jamaica: Despite her success in Carli’s…