Carli Bybel Series,  Celebrities

The Story of Carli Bybel and Her Old Friend, DJ Sam

The rooftop

Many many years ago, when I started watching Carli Bybel‘s videos, an interesting detail from one of her videos caught my attention. She was talking (and drawing) about a tough period in her life and one about the fact that night she was sitting on a rooftop with her friend, Sam, both unhappy and searching a way to fulfill their dreams. It was then, on the rooftop, when Carli decided to start a Youtube Channel and Sam decided to follow a career in DJing.


The rooftop, the night, the decisions… I don’t know why I’ve always found this picture mysterious and interesting.

Who is Sam?


Carli mentioned Sam in her first Youtube videos and she even featured her in a video.

They knew each other since high school, but didn’t really talk back then. They started their friendship on October 2010 and six years later, in 2016, Carli stated in one of her videos that Sam is her current best friend.


Sam’s real name is Samantha Morales. She is from New Jersey and went to the same high school as Carli did.

Sam in Carli’s videos

Here is a video in which Carli creates a Selena Gomez makeup on Sam. They seem to have fun.

This is a video from 2012. Since then, Sam has been gradually disappearing from Carli’s stories and she has been replace with Carli’s old friend, Nicole.

Sam, Nicole and Carli


On Nicole’s Instagram I’ve found this amazing picture from 2012. Three friends at the beginning of their lives, having fun, going through their ups and downs, being together, growing apart…

What is Sam doing now?


Sam did follow her career as a DJ, but if you search her on internet as “DJ Sam” you won’t find her because she signes herself as “DJ Sammi” or “DJ Samantha Morales”.

You can follow her on Instagram.

She also works a Licensed Real Estate Broker.

Samantha lives and works in Jersey City.

Is she still friends with Carli?

As you can see from her Instagram, both Carli and Nicole follow her and they both still like Sammi’s photos.

Maybe the continue to be in good terms, but I don’t think they are friends anymore.


I think it is very interesting to see how these three women (Carli, Sammi, Nicole) evolved over time. I am grateful to them because they’ve been sharing scrapes from their lives.

I also think that their friendships could start again sometime. I think they have so much in common and that they could eventually overcome their disagreements. And even if their friendships wouldn’t be renewed, at least they did share a nice friendship and this is something that not everyone could say.


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