Cute and funny,  Food,  Random Thoughts

Cutest Guacamole Recipe [Not Really a Recipe]

Have you ever wondered how guacamole is made?

Is there any “recipe” for guacamole?

Where does it come from? What’s its origin?

Well, I did wonder and this was the answer:

In Mexico there is this tiny animal and his name is Cucaracha. This animal, although its name could be translated into English as “Cockroach”, doesn’t in fact have nothing to do with the insect. Cucaracha is a cute little animal, a little bit furry, who wears a big mexican hat. He is very friendly and brave. He always has a gun and he defends Mexico when needed. The girls are crazy about him.

No one has succeeded in photographing Cucaracha. He likes to keep some mistery around him, but those who’ve seen him, describe him saying that he has certain similarities to Speedy Gonzales.

Now, about Guacamole, this tasty food that we eat with tortillas.
Cucaracha’s most favorite food is avocado. Each day he eats a few avocados and, after a while, he poops Guacamole and this is how Guacamole is made.This is the original recipe to make Guacamole and if you’re willing to taste the original one, you must go to Mexico and find Cucaracha.
If Cucaracha is in a really good mood, after pooping Guacamole he will dance around it singing “La Cucaracha”.

* Although I made up this story and obviously it is not a true Mexican story, I like to think there is indeed a little tiny and cute animal in Mexico, called Cucaracha, and maybe when I will visit Mexico, somehow we will meet 🙂 *

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