• Food

    Christmas Cookies… Yummy yummy

    Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you’re having a wonderful time! As you may know, I love Christmas cookies, especially German “Lebkuchen” (Gingerbread 🙂 ). Last year I wrote an article about the Schulte Gingerbread, which tasted amazing. This year I’m eating the Bahlsen Akora Gingerbread, that is covered in chocolate and has a jelly heart. Although I am not a jelly fan, I loved these ones. They weren’t dried, their texture was very good. Bahlsen has tons of gingerbread types, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the others. Maybe next year… Apart from the gingerbread, I’m also eating these super-cute “Zimtsterne”. They are perfect in combination with tea. When I first saw…