
The Disturbing End of Lee MacMillan’s Journey

Max & Lee era

Source: https://www.instagram.com/maxandlee_/

A few years ago I started following Max & Lee Youtube Channel. The first video was posted on 28 Mar 2018 and the channel focused on a guy and a girl who travel through the world in their van with a dog named Occy.

I had mixed feelings about them, but they were still my favorite traveler couple from Youtube.

I remember that one thing I particularly didn’t like about them. Lee, the girl, had to come back home to work and make money in order to be able to continue traveling in the Van. Max continued to travel while Lee worked, because, as he said, he already had the money. I felt something fishy about this. I don’t know exactly what, but still… something was off. Since that time, I stopped liking Max.

The ugly split

On JANUARY 26, 2020, they announced on Instagram that they broke up. This is no big deal, many people break up, but the awkward thing was the Youtube Channel.

In less than 2 years they gathered 500.000 Youtube followers. One of them should have kept the Channel and continue posting videos, while giving some money to the other. This would have been the decent, rational thing to do.

Instead, they created new Youtube Channels, one for each, which obviously didn’t gather so many followers. They kept the joint Channel only to promote their personal Channel but without much success (duh).

Also, what’s more awkward is Max who names his new channel “Max & Occy”. Occy is the dog. This is not nice, Max. Also, when Occy will die and Max will get another dog, is he going to create a third, new, Youtube Channel?

Life with Lee era

source: https://www.instagram.com/lifewithlee/

On her new personal Youtube Channel, Lee posted a video on 17 Dec 2020. For almost a year she absented Youtube although she continued posting nice photos on Instagram. If you look to her videos and photos, you see a woman who is constantly smiling and doing cool stuff. She always, always smiles in her photos. Maybe it’s better not to smile sometimes, when you don’t feel like it.

She got a new boyfriend who is very similar to Max. Looks similar, likes vans, has a dog…

I followed them on Instagram and one day they got my attention. While Jordan, the boyfriend, filmed her, she ran into the cold sea and took a quick bath.

source: https://www.instagram.com/jordanpchiu/

When I first saw it, I thought to myself: “What kind of man lets his girlfriend run into cold water and films her?”. Won’t she suffer? Won’t she be cold? Won’t she be sick? In the video you can see the dog that tries, kind of, to prevent Lee to enter the water. Anyhow, after this video, I had the same strange feeling about Jordan as I had about Max when he let her go back to her home to work a few months.

No more…

A few days ago I remembered about Lee and I wondered what she has been doing because I didn’t see any activity from her on Instagram or Youtube.

I was extremely shocked and disturbed when I checked her page and saw that soon after the cold water video she committed suicide. I am still shocked.

A nice, sweet, healthy girl, with tons of life perspectives, born in first world, with so many cool memories and so young (28 y.o.) – what a shame…

She also had a thing for yoga, energies, zodiac, she even made a Peru ayahuasca trip… Was this the right path?

I find it ironic that she named her new Youtube Channel “Life”. Maybe life and death were something that she was obsessed with for a while now. Maybe she made some poor life (and men) choices. I think deep inside she just wanted a husband and a child, not to roam the streets.





  • Delta

    Really Lee had to go back and earn? Wow Max has his limits then, and subsidising his gf to keep her with him is not one.
    I felt there was something off but couldn’t put my finger on it, it makes sense now.
    I can’t imagine how she felt going home and then coming back to someone like that whom you also love but must be disappointed in them ‘being that way’.

    And Jordan let her go home too. You know she probably did that because of the way Max made her feel so she just did it.

    It’s not the same without Lee she was interesting and had so many hobbies and did so many things.
    I feel Max is building for him and so far doing well – but it is all about Max.

    I feel he is quite self indulgent, and last few videos have been stretched out and boring. He has his land, his home – Occy (the best) . But watching him run up and down his his hills on ‘HIS’ land and run it’s course and I’m over it and sponsored breaks constantly.
    Thank you for the blogg.

    • Eva

      Thank you for your comment.
      It’s a sad story and I hope everyone in it became a better person and is doing well now.

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